

Blackberry Tools + Suntik Bahasa Indonesia All Versi Os

Farrel & Abel Kamis, 30 September 2010

BlackBerry Tools + Suntik Bahasa Indonesia 

Fungsi :

  • Info Device
  • Buka Phonelock
  • Full Reset Factory
  • Erase Firmware (507)
  • Suntik Bahasa Indonesia All Versi OS
  • Dan Lain-Lain
Caranya :
  • Sebelumnya di PC hrs sdh terinstall DM + DotNetFx
  • Download BlackBerry Tools Lalu Install di PC anda
  • Selanjutnya ikuti petunjuk yg ada di tools tsb
  • Setelah install lebih ok restart PCnya,...Selamat Menikmati
Jika mengalami tampilan acak2/rolling,... coba programnya dipanggil secara manual
di folder C:\Program Files\BlackBerry Tools By drcom\
klik kanan --> send aja to desktop (create shortcut)

Silakan Download :

Selamat mencoba.....

Menghemat Biaya Pemakaian Internet

Farrel & Abel
Cara Mudah Menghemat Biaya Pemakaian Internet 

Dengan bantuan software ini, kita bisa menghemat biaya internet untuk yang mengaksesnya melalui GPRS atau yang pembayaran internet berdasarkan volume based / ukuran KB dalam bandwith (yang dimaksudkan bukan time based).

Saya belum mengetahui benar dengan tool ini. tetapi saat dicoba oleh teman saya yang menggunakan koneksi dengan dial-up connection atau handphone, ternyata terbukti. lebih cepat dari sebelumnya yang sering putus koneksi.

Tool ini mirip seperti toonel, fungsinya mengompress file yang diload / dikeluarkan dari internet sesuai kebutuhan browser, tetapi dengan beberapa tambahan :
1. Mempunyai cache agar browsing lebih cepat lagi.
2. Bisa blok trojan downloader maupun konten virus lain yang membahayakan.
3. Bisa blok situs yang tidak dikehendaki seperti advertiser.
4. Bisa blok konten berbau pornografi dengan menambahkan kata pada filter konten.
5. Bisa menghemat uang anda dari bandwidth yang disave dari kompresi maupun cache.

contoh screen shootnya :

Jadi dengan software ini kita bisa Menghemat Biaya Pemakaian Internet.

Langsung saja jika anda membutuhkannya silahkan download dibawah ini:

Tips Meningkatkan Speed Internet Tanpa Software

Farrel & Abel

Di atas 90 % komputer di seluruh dunia menjalankan Windows ... dan karena trik komputer lain .

Tapi apakah Anda tahu bahwa sekitar 20 % dari bandwidth internet anda disediakan oleh Microsoft .
Penggunaan Bandwidth Reserved
** Windows Automatic Updates bergantung pada bandwidth ini dilindungi undang-undang .
** Fast loading Microsoft Website
Laporan Kesalahan Mengirim **
** Bantuan Online dukungan pada Microsoft Office
Tapi ini dapat dipulihkan kembali ...
The Remedy
** Start >> Run
** Type gpedit.msc
** This opens the Policy Editor
** Now, Local Computer Policy >> Computer Configuration
** Then, Administrative Templates >> Network
** Now, click on QOS Packet Scheduler
** Now, on Right hand side
** Double Click Limit reservable bandwidth
** Now in Setting Tab

CATATAN ********************* **********************
Ia mengatakan : Tidak Dikonfigurasi
Realitas : Tab Jelaskan mengatakan " Secara default , batas Packet Scheduler sistem untuk 20 persen dari bandwidth koneksi "
************************************************** *

** Jadi , pada Tab Setting pilih Diaktifkan
** Sekarang , ubah Bandwidth limit ( % ) ke 0 ( Zero )

CATATAN ********************** ********************
Misconcept : Ini tidak berarti bahwa Anda tidak akan dapat berkomunikasi dengan Microsoft atau layanan !
Sebenarnya : Bandwidth reserved ini hanya untuk mempercepat koneksi internet Microsoft lebih dari koneksi lain !
************************************************** **

** Klik OK !
Silakan dicoba...............tested 100%

Cara Daftar ke Google Adsense

Farrel & Abel

                "Cara Daftar ke Google Adsense"

Saya akan coba membahas seputar google adsense, dan kali ini adalah mengenai cara-cara mendaftar. Namun sebelum menginjak kepada topik utama yakni bagaimana mendaftar di google adsense ada beberapa hal atau lebih tepat saya sebut kiat-kiat bagaimana agar blog kita lebih memungkinkan untuk di terima menjadi anggota dari Google adsense, karena tak jarang pemilik blog yang ingin ikut program ini merasa kapok di sebabkan pihak google adsense menolak dari keanggotaan dirinya.

Yang perlu di ingat adalah kiat-kiat yang saya berikan ini adalah bukanlah suatu hal yang mutlak apabila dilakukan akan 100 persen menjamin sobat di terima di google adsense, akan tetapi hanyalah sebuah tips sebagai bahan pertimbangan sobat semua. Baiklah, di bawah ini saya berikan beberapa kiat agar lebih cepat di terima oleh Google adsense :

  • Berbahasa inggris

  • Usakan blog yang di daftarkan ke google adsense mempunyai bahasa utama bahasa inggris, karena bahasa inggris merupakan bahasa yang di support oleh adsense, yang perlu di ketahui adalah apabila kita sudah di terima oleh adsense, kita dapat menyimpan kode iklannya pada blog milik kita yang lainnya, tidak terbatas kepada blog yang di daftarkan. Jadi hanya sekedar untuk lulus seleksi, sebaiknya buatlah dulu blog yang berbahasa inggris. Bagaimana apabila tidak bisa bahasa inggris dan tentunya tidak mempunyai blog yang berbahasa inggris? sobat jangan terlebih dahulu putus harapan, silahkan coba dulu daftarkan blognya di adsense karena sudah banyak blog yang berbahasa indosesia pun bisa di terima oleh adsense.

  • Sudah banyak posting artikel

  • Biasanya ini yang sering terjadi, sebuah blog yang baru jadi dan hanya berisi satu atau dua posting artikel saja sudah di daftarkan ke adsense. Sebaiknya isilah terlebih dahulu blognya dengan beberapa postingan artikel, minimal sudah mempunyai 10 buah artikel barulah coba daftarkan di adsense.

  • Design blog harus rapi

  • Sebaiknya tatalah terlebih dahulu blog yang akan di daftarkan ke adsense, walaupun Google adsense tidak mengharuskan bahwa yang di daftarkan adalah sebuah situs atau blog yang bersifat profesional, namun adsense tidak menginginkan iklan nya pada blog yang terkesan di desain asal jadi.

  • Blog sudah ada pengunjungnya

  • Usahakan bahwa blog kita sudah ada pengunjungnya, minimal sudah pernah di kunjungi oleh 100 orang pengunjung. Selain itu yang perlu di ingat adalah bisnis Google adsense ini merupakan bisnis yang sangat bergantung kepada para pengunjung blog, percuma saja apabila kita sudah punya iklan adsense tapi masih sepi pengunjung. Agar blognya banyak di kunjungi pengunjung tentu kita harus berpromosi ria ke sana kemari dan isi dari blog kita ada hal yang di rasa bermanfaat bagi para pengunjung blog.

    Mungkin itu saja dulu beberapa kiat dari saya agar blog sobat lebih besar kemungkinannya di terima oleh Google adsense. Sudah siapkah untuk mendaftar ke google adsense? baiklah, silahkan ikuti langkah-langkah berikut ini :
    1. Untuk mendaftar adsense sobat bisa buka di
    2. Setelah berada pada situs Google adsense, silahkan klik tombol dropdown yang berada pada sebelah atas dan pilihlah bahasa indonesia agar lebih di mengerti oleh kita.
    3. Klik tombol Daftar sekarang
    4. Ada beberapa form yang harus di isi :
      • URL Situs Web[?] --> isi dengan alamat URL sobat. Contoh :
      • Bahasa pada website --> klik menu dropdownnya, lalu pilih bahasa utama dari blog sobat, bahasa inggris atau bahasa indonesia
      • Jenis Account: [?] --> pilih yang individual
      • Negara atau wilayah: --> pilih indonesia (sesuaikan dengan tempat tinggal anda)
      • Nama penerima pembayaran --> isi dengan nama lengkap anda. ini sangatlah penting, jangan di singkat. contoh : Farrel Radtya Setiawan jangan di singkat jadi Farrel RS.
      • Alamat: --> isi dengan alamat lengkap anda
      • Kota: --> isi dengan nama kota dimana anda tinggal. contoh : bandung
      • Negara bagian: --> tidak perlu, ini khusus untuk amerika
      • Kode pos: [?] --> isi dengan kode pos
      • Telepon: --> isi dengan nomor telepon sobat
      • Dibawah tulisan kebijakan, silahkan sobat centang semua kotak kecil yang berisi perjanjian bahwa sobat menyetujuinya
      • Klik tombol Submit Informasi
    5. Selesai.
    Langkah selanjutnya adalah menunggu kiriman email dari google adsense, dan selama itu silahkan berdoa agar om google dapat berkenan menerima sobat.

    Untuk cara daftar saya rasa cukup sekian dulu, silahkan nantikan artikel selanjutnya.

    Silahkan berharap-harap cemas.

    YouTube Music Downloader v3.5 (full version)

    Farrel & Abel Selasa, 28 September 2010
    Posted Image

    An easy-to-use Windows software to download YouTube music videos and convert them to MP3, AVI, WMV, MOV, MP4, 3GP formats. You can download millions of music from YouTube and listen them on your iPod, MP3 Player or watch them on your PC, iPod, iPhone. Unlimited download 6,000,000+ music from YouTube, get started now.

    YouTube Music Downloader Features

    # Use YouTube Music Downloader To Download YouTube HD Video
    With YouTube Music Downloader, You can download YouTube Music Video as HD(High Definition) MPEG4 Video format!

    # Use YouTube Music Downloader To Download YouTube HQ Video
    With YouTube Music Downloader, You can download YouTube Music Video as HQ(High Quality) MP4 Video format!

    # Use YouTube Music Downloader As MP3 Downloader
    With YouTube Music Downloader, You can download YouTube Music Video to MP3 Audio for iPod, MP3 Player and Cellphone.

    # Use YouTube Music Downloader As YouTube Video Downloader
    With YouTube Music Downloader, You can download YouTube Music Videos To AVI and WMV files and watch them offline

    # Use YouTube Music Downloader to Download Videos for iPod
    With YouTube Music Downloader, You can download YouTube Music Videos To MOV format, and watch music videos on your iPod

    # Use YouTube Music Downloader to Download Videos for PSP
    With YouTube Music Downloader, You can download YouTube Music Videos To MP4 format for PSP

    # Use YouTube Music Downloader to Download Videos for Cellphone
    With YouTube Music Downloader, You can download YouTube Music Videos To 3GP files, you can watch them on your Cellphone

    Microsoft Windows XP Professional SP3 Integrated September 2010 Corporate - BIE

    Farrel & Abel Senin, 27 September 2010

    With Windows XP Professional Edition with Service Pack 3, you get safer browsing and communication, powerful security tools, and improved experiences. Windows XP is the operating system release that unifies the Microsoft range, with all the desktop versions now built on the NT/2000 code base rather than the shakier foundation of Windows 95, 98, and Me. That makes XP a great upgrade for users of the now-obsolete 9x and Me line, but for those already on Windows 2000 Professional it is a closer call. Despite the similar name, there is no special synergy between Windows XP and Office XP, which works fine on Windows 2000.

    XP certainly looks different, with rounded window corners, larger and more detailed icons, and a clean-look desktop that on first installation shows only the taskbar and Recycle Bin. XP is also more customizable than earlier versions of Windows, and includes visual themes that let you change the whole appearance of Windows in an instant. That is the window-dressing, but underneath are some significant improvements. One of the most interesting is Remote Desktop. A standard XP feature, this uses technology from Microsoft Terminal Server to enable users to access their computer over any connection; for example, by dialing into the office from home.

    This is not just file access--this technology lets you run applications remotely as if you were sitting at your desk at work. This is mature technology, stable and carefully thought out. So, for example, you can print from a remote word processor to a local printer. A variation on the theme is Remote Assistance, where the user can allow a remote helper to view their desktop, or optionally gain control of the keyboard and mouse, in order to troubleshoot a problem. The feature can also be disabled to ease security concerns.

    Release: Microsoft.Windows.XP.Professional.SP3.Integrated.September.2010.Corporate-BIE
    Size: 569 MB
    Type: Utility

    Code:Select all
    Code:Select all

    Global Mapper v12.00 (full version)

    Farrel & Abel

    Create Better Maps with Global Mapper

    Global Mapper v12.00

    OS: Windows
    Global Mapper is more than just a viewer capable of displaying the most
    popular raster, elevation and vector datasets. It converts, edits,
    prints, tracks GPS and allows you to utilize GIS functionality on your
    datasets in one low-cost and easy-to-use software package
    Install: Just unpack&install. Unrar crack.rar to installdir
    Release Name: Global.Mapper.v12.00-BEAN
    Size: 46.01 MB

    Fileserve Download
    Mirror Search

    ACDSee Pro 3.0.475 & ACDSee Photo Manager v12.0.342 (full version)

    Farrel & Abel
    ACDSee Pro 3.0.475 & ACDSee Photo Manager v12.0.342

    ACDSee Pro 3.0.475 & ACDSee Photo Manager v12.0.342 | 110.41 MB

    ACDSee Pro - professional program for working with digital photos, which has a range of enhanced features designed for professional photographers. Supports more than 100 graphic file formats, you can work with RAW-image, automatically sort photos by parameters obtained from digital cameras, has an effective visual method for adding meta tags to images, and rapid batch processing large numbers of images, including the RAW format. In addition, it contains tools for independent regulation of the color channels, bug photographs of artifacts that appear due to errors in optics, adding "watermarks" to work with IPTC-metadata, there is the possibility of archiving collections of graphics in ZIP-files recorded on CD or DVD and much more.
    The product allows you to view, edit, organize, and publish catalogs of photos. In addition, support and processing RAW files, there are powerful tools, such as custom folders and categories, quick editing features, visual markings and color management support for ICC and ICM profiles to meet all professional requirements of users. The product helps to simplify the processing of digital photos from beginning to end.

    � Quick view RAW images;
    � enhanced support for RAW formats for digital cameras, Nikon, Canon, Konica-Minolta, Olympus, Fuji, and Pentax;
    � Powerful processing RAW format gives the user full control over the images with precision tools for correcting white balance, various defects, sharpness and noise;
    � Full color management support for ICC and ICM color profiles;
    � the possibility of visual marking to quickly sort and select the desired photos;
    � integrated support for DNG (Digital Negative Specification) RAW format;
    � Editing party from thousands of photos from the simultaneous use of multiple functions;
    � integrated IPTC support for interaction with PhotoShop Captions;
    � Watermarks on photos with graphics or text to reflect copyright and ownership rights, as well as the possibility of the imposition of certain photographs of business information;
    � Tool Shading / Selection allows you to brighten only the dark areas of photos, shade too bright or done something, and another simultaneously;
    � HTML templates albums are created to meet the needs of professional users. They can be configured by adding contact information, company logo, as well as other information relevant to business user;
    � customizable browser \ "hot \ 'keys, and metadata meet the personal needs of users and simplify the manufacturing process;
    � the possibility of quick editing make it easy to remove various distortions - the existence of a detailed user manual and training programs.

    "The organization and the creation of backups during import images
    "Implementing your own meta-data into images
    "Save frequently used search
    "Viewing images with support for Unicode
    "Returning to the original at any time
    "Adding custom frames, drop shadows and edge effects
    "Display your photos with the style and flair in the new slide show
    "Advanced management of digital objects
    "Advanced pixel-level image editing
    "Automatic categorization of photos during the import
    "Loading on online services for photographers

    Developer: ACDSee
    Medician: Yes
    Language: English
    OS: Microsoft Windows 2000, XP, Vista and Seven

    ACDSee Photo Manager: A popular program for viewing / organizing files with images. Supports over 30 popular graphics formats, GIF-animations, view archives, you can create a slideshow. The program can help in a simple graphic editing - rotate images, change brightness / contrast, imposition of effects. Simple, very fast image viewer does not require installation.

    * Quick view RAW images;
    * Enhanced support for RAW formats for digital cameras, Nikon, Canon, Konica-Minolta, Olympus, Fuji, and Pentax;
    * Powerful RAW processing formats give users full control over images with precision tools for correcting white balance, various defects, sharpness and noise;
    * Full color management support for ICC and ICM color profiles;
    * The possibility of visual marking to quickly sort and select the desired photos;
    * Integrated support for DNG (Digital Negative Specification) RAW format;
    * Editing the party of the thousands of photos from the simultaneous use of multiple functions;
    * Integrated IPTC support for interaction with PhotoShop Captions;
    * Watermarks photos with graphics or text to reflect copyright and ownership, as well as the possibility of the imposition of certain photographs of business information;
    * Shadow tool / Selection allows you to brighten only the dark areas of photos, shade too bright or done something, and another simultaneously;
    * HTML templates albums are created to meet the needs of professional users. They can be configured by adding contact information, company logo, as well as other information relevant to business user;
    * Customizable browser shortcuts and metadata meet the personal needs of users and simplify the manufacturing process;
    * The possibility of quick editing make it easy to remove various distortions - the existence of a detailed user manual and training programs.


    CyberLink PowerDVD Power DVD Ultra 10.0.1830 3D (full version)

    Farrel & Abel
    CyberLink PowerDVD Power DVD Ultra 10.0.1830 3D


    CyberLink's most advanced movie and media player to date, PowerDVD 10 delivers 3D and HD movies on the PC. PowerDVD 10 is a unique universal player that offers the best playback quality available. Whether it is 3D movie content, captured home videos, or your digital music files, PowerDVD 10 lets you access them all from the same convenient player software, enhancing your experience in all kinds of new ways.

    Features of PowerDVD 10 :

    * Convert 2D video to 3D using TrueTheater 3D.
    * Use TrueTheater video enhancement technologies to enhance video during the playback of DVDs and video files.
    * Use TrueTheater audio enhancement technologies to improve audio quality during the playback of Blu-ray Discs, DVDs, videos and audio.
    * Apply TrueTheater Noise Reduction and Stabilizer to fix your personal videos during playback.
    * Support for GPU acceleration (NVIDIA CUDA and ATI Stream) for video decoding when TrueTheater HD is enabled.
    * Share comments and reviews of movies in real-time on Facebook, Twitter, and MoovieLive using the Short Comment feature.
    * Add BookMarks with comments and share them as MovieMarks on Facebook and MoovieLive.
    * Use media tabs to quickly access and play back movies, videos and music.
    * Support for MKV, WTV, FLV, RM, RMVB, 3GP, 3G2 video file formats.
    * Play back video files with DTS-HD, DD+, Dolby TrueHD audio.
    * Support for the Windows 7 Library when playing back audio and video files.
    * Upload videos to YouTube.
    * Utilize ambient light sensor on supported notebooks/laptops to maximize battery life.
    * MKV (H.264) file playback.
    * FLV (H.264) file playback.
    * RM/RMVB file playback (Available when RealPlayer is installed).
    * TrueTheater™ Noise Reduction – removes original video noise during playback.
    * TrueTheater™ Stabilizer – fixes shaky video during playback.

    * New! - Add short comments during DVD playback and then share them in real-time on MoovieLive, Facebook and Twitter.
    * New! - Add BookMarks with comments to DVD movies and then share on MoovieLive and Facebook.
    * New! - Add BookMarks to video files.
    * New! - Upload video to YouTube.
    * New! - Video file subtitle support (SMI, ASS, SSA, PSB, SRT and SUB).
    * PowerDVD Cinema playback mode (with full remote control support).
    * PowerDVD WMC plug-in (seamless integration with Windows Media Center).
    * Movie Collection Support.
    * Movie Remix.
    * Integration with MoovieLive Service.
    * UPnP Support - Access your media from a Home Network.
    * Say-It-Again - Automatically repeats the last movie scene.
    * See-It-All - Automatically speeds playback to show as much of the movie as possible.
    * Read-It-Clearly - Moves subtitles from the viewing screen.

    * Multilingual support: English, Spanish, French, Italian, Japanese, Chinese, German
    * Optimized for Windows XP, Vista and Windows 7 (32/64-bit)

    Changes in PowerDVD 10 Ultra build 1830:
    * Free upgrade to Cyberlink PowerDVD 10 Mark II Ultra (Adds Blu-ray 3D playback and TrueTheater 3D support for video files)

    Crack:     dload

    Kaspersky Internet Security 2011 (free full version)

    Farrel & Abel
    Kaspersky Internet Security 2011

    Quote:Kaspersky Internet Security 2011 is a comprehensive data protection tool, which provides not only anti-virus protection but also protection against spam and network attacks. The application's components also enable users to protect their computers against currently unknown threats and phishing, and to restrict users' access to the Internet.

    The multifaceted protection covers all channels for data transfer and exchange. All components can be flexibly configured, allowing users to tailor Kaspersky Internet Security to their specific needs.

    New in protection:

    * Improved HIPS (Host-based Intrusion Prevention System) technology assigns a danger rating to unknown programs. The Application Control component uses HIPS to define rules for new and already known applications, which may restrict their access to the file and operating systems.
    * Innovative Sandbox technology has been implemented, which uses virtualization to create a secure environment for program execution. New software can be tested in this environment, which isolates the host operating system from all changes. There is no limit to the number of Internet browsers and other applications which can run simultaneously in a sandbox.
    * Increased use of Kaspersky Security Network considerably decreases the threat response time, due to information received from other users. The service aims to minimize the time necessary to detect and neutralize new types of threats. When a user starts a program, the service checks it against white lists and Urgent Detection System lists on Kaspersky Lab's servers.
    * The protection of personal user data has been extended and enhanced. For instance, Kaspersky Internet Security automatically prevents inadvertent users from accessing known phishing web sites, and blocks keylogger programs, which are designed to steal passwords and access codes.
    * The new Script Emulator analyzes the behavior of scripts, to assess their potential harmfulness. It simulates the operation of the Java Script and Visual Basic Script engines, which are supported by default in Microsoft Internet Explorer and are built in to Microsoft Windows.
    * The new IM Anti-Virus component ensures the safe operation of most instant messaging applications. The component scans messages for the presence of malicious objects.
    * Improvements to the Virtual keyboard component provide safer entry of personal information, by protecting data from being intercepted by spyware and preventing screenshot capture.
    * Significant improvements to the Anti-Spam component now provide two methods for detecting spam: exact and expert. Exact methods apply strict filtering criteria to a message, which determine unambiguously whether or not a message is spam. Expert methods investigate email messages that have passed strict filtering criteria. As such messages cannot be unambiguously considered spam, the component calculates the probability that they are spam.
    * Components of Kaspersky Internet Security can be temporarily disabled, to improve computer performance. This can be useful during the use of resource-hungry applications such as network games.
    * Monitoring access to phishing websites and protection against phishing attacks are performed by scanning links in messages and on web pages, and also by using the database of phishing addresses when an attempt to access websites is detected. You can check whether a web address is included in the phishing database, using the Web Anti-Virus, IM Anti-Virus or Anti-Spam component.
    * Improvements have been e to all the application's existing components, including the Firewall, Parental Control, and Anti-Spam components, and particularly the Heuristic analyzer.
    * The anti-virus kernel of Kaspersky Internet Security 2011 has been significantly improved, to provide more efficient malware detection. The application shows higher performance on Windows Vista operating systems, as compared to previous versions of Kaspersky Internet Security.
    * Kaspersky Internet Security includes the URL scanning module managed by Web Anti-Virus. This module scans links on the web page, comparing the website addresses against its database of suspicious and phishing websites. This module is provided for Microsoft Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox browsers as a plug-in.
    * The update procedure has been improved. Kaspersky Internet Security's databases are now updated not only according to their schedule, but also when new security threats appear.
    * The creation of Rescue Disks has been improved. The service should be used when the infection reaches a level at which the computer cannot be disinfected using either anti-virus applications, or malware removal utilities such as Kaspersky AVPTool. The improved Rescue Disks provide more efficient disinfection because malware programs do not gain control when the operating system is being loaded.

    New in the application interface:

    * The application interface has been completely redesigned, to make Kaspersky Internet Security significantly more accessible to first-time users.
    * Kaspersky Internet Security features an automatic mode in which the application automatically makes optimal decisions, so avoiding excessive requests to the user.

    How to make it ours!!

    1-Close your internet connection..
    2-Setup the program, select the trial activation.
    3-It will want a key, as it can not connect to internet then, enter the key to that screen.



    Internet Download Manager 6.02 Build 3 (full version)

    Farrel & Abel
    Internet Download Manager 6.02 Build 3 (Beta)


    Release Date : 24/09/2010
    Internet Download Manager (IDM) is a tool to increase download speeds, resume and schedule downloads. Comprehensive error recovery and resume capability will restart broken or interrupted downloads due to lost connections, network problems, computer shutdowns, or unexpected power outages. Simple graphic user interface makes IDM user friendly and easy to use. Internet Download Manager has a smart download logic accelerator that features intelligent dynamic file segmentation and safe multipart downloading technology to accelerate your downloads. Unlike other download managers and accelerators Internet Download Manager segments downloaded files dynamically during download process and reuses available connections without additional connect and login stages to achieve best acceleration performance .
    No Password

    Tune Up Utilities 2010 (full version)

    Farrel & Abel

    TuneUp Utilities 2010 - the new version of a large set of various tools for tuning and optimizing the system. With this program you can clean the disks of dust, remove invalid entries from the registry and defragment it, optimize memory, manage startup permanently delete files from the disc with a special utility "TuneUp Shredder" (further recovery becomes impossible, even with the help of special programs), to recover deleted files, change the look of Windows, and much more. All utilities in this package integrated into a single graphical environment. To run a particular utility, choose its name from the list and click on her arm. After this, a dialog box in which you made and all appropriate action. The package combines the important functions for system optimization, configuration, cleaning and maintenance in a modern graphical user interface.

    Setup and Analysis:
    Includes a startup manager (TuneUp StartUp Manager), tweaker Interface Windows (TuneUp WinStyler), "System Information" (TuneUp System Information) and "General system settings" (TuneUp SystemControl). Distinctive feature of the manager of a startup is that in its settings can be set individually for each user a list of programs. The "System Information" contains detailed information about the installed hardware, as well as the volume occupied by the memory, the version of Windows, etc.

    Cleaning and Maintenance:
    In this section you can find two utilities - to clean your computer from temporary files (DiskCleaner), and the utility to identify problems in the system registry (RegistryCleaner). These tools are fine-tuning the system is very easy to handle and represent two of the wizard with step by step instructions.

    Optimization and tuning:
    This group includes the defragmenter registry (RegistryDefrag), a utility for working with RAM (MemOptimizer) and a large number of system settings (System Optimizer), to maximize the efficiency of Windows. Determine the best way to help the system configuration special module System Advisor, which will produce an analysis of the computer and provide information on what is necessary to make changes to the user to increase system performance.

    Administration and management:
    Here you can find the full Registry Editor Registry Editor, with which you can search and edit records, process manager (Process Manager) and a utility to properly remove the installed applications (Uninstall Manager).

    Recovery and removal of files:
    The latter category includes configuration tools for working with files - a utility to recover information (Undelete) and a tool for removing sensitive data without the possibility of data recovery (Shredder). Among the additional features of the program can provide automatic updates and the ability to restore the system to a previously created backup system (RescueCenter).

    Maintain system
    • Keep your PC in top shape: With only one click, you maintain your computer and provide more stability.

    Increase performance
    • Get the maximum from your PC and experience top speed for your work and games.

    Fix problems
    • As easy as pie: Solve Windows problems quickly, easily, and reliably or restore deleted files.

    Customize Windows
    • Give your Windows a new look: cool new boot screens, icons, and animations - free for downloading.

    Turbo Mode NEW!
    • Disable unneeded processes and concentrate all the PC processing power on your active program!

    Live Optimization NEW!
    • Accelerate the startup and response times of your programs - for optimal PC performance!



    Farrel & Abel

    Nokia Compatible LCD and Flexible With Picture

    Farrel & Abel
    Nokia Compatible LCD and Flexible With Picture

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